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Clinically tested to be FIVE TIMES more effective than the patch. Quit smoking successfully today!

You are one of nearly 50 MILLION Americans who want to quit smoking

Clinically tested to be FIVE TIMES more effective than the patch. Quit smoking successfully today!

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73,000! What do you do 73,000 times each year?

If you’re a pack-a-day smoker – that’s how many times you put a cigarette in your mouth

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Would you jump out of an airplane if the parachute only worked 5% of the time?

That’s the success rate for nicotine patches. Don’t waste your money

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3,000,000 times

If you’ve smoked for 50 years like I did, that’s how many times you put your hand to your mouth with a cigarette in it – THREE MILLION times

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Smoking addiction cuts across all demographics

Virtually evenly split between men and women. So ladies, don’t think you’re in the minority here.

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What You Can Expect

Our 8 Step clinically tested program will show you how to end your smoking addiction – using your body’s natural abilities without patches, gum, hypnotism, and with no replacement addictions.

Dr. Anton Kemps, MD

Fits in well with Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Mindfulness Interaction. I fully agree with this program as having the best chance of success for persons trying to quit smoking. I like the chatbox piece and since this is something that can be accessed after the formal program ends it’s even more of a benefit to participants. Having follow up is crucial to any substance avoidance program, and QuitCenter will follow up on your success. This will fit well with medical groups like the American Cancer Society and others. Having it online utilizing zoom interaction makes it even more appealing.

The benefits of a group interaction are much better than tackling this addiction alone.


Internal Medicine

  • These guys are for real.  They’re the Jedi Masters of quitting smoking. I’ve been in the program for only 3 weeks and I’m beginning to see it working already.  I’m so excited.

    Ginger R from Erie, PA
  • I can’t get over how easy this was. Every time I’ve tried to quit in the past, I couldn’t conquer my anxiety. This program takes the anxiety away. Finally I can say I don’t smoke any longer.

  • The Easy Out program is working great for me. It’s already helped me postpone my morning smoke from 5 minutes to several hours. And I’ve only just started!

    Alan C from Detroit, Michigan

More Opportunities To GET STARTED

Using our 8-Step “Easy Out” clinically proven program, you will no longer be glued to cigarettes or vapes. Now it’s time to take some action.

You will stop smoking cigarettes or vapes in a way that is:

Sustainable and permanent

Sustainable and permanent

Anxiety Free

Anxiety Free

Drug Free

Drug Free

Uses YOUR timeline

Uses YOUR timeline

Uses your body’s own systems to achieve the goal

Uses your body’s own systems to achieve the goal

Why Choose Us

The QuitCenter was established by a 50-year smoker who developed a simple and low-anxiety way to quit smoking.  The Easy Out program is our way of bringing that system to the rest of the smoking world.

Still Not Ready To Commit?

Fill out the form below and get an email to a Step 1 meeting